Monday, May 27, 2019

Bravado's pickmes

I, Percy Bravado, would like to introduce myself to the reader more personally as a young hysterical man reading from a book without a title. I here attempt to create my own dream interpretation method, coached from the corners by the inscrutability of Freud. In my spare time I practice mindfulness and make impossible bottles, most of which contain miniature ships.
This oneiric expedition is prompted by a found photo of a woman I am sure is my mother, my daughter, my lover; all at once. She surmised by the perplexed look on my face that I needed help turning the pages…

I here determine that the book these two avatars have in common is Sigmund Freuds ‘interpretation of dreams’.
So I will open that book now to instigate and comprehend the relationship between these two images- a conversation or a copulation? Dexterity will decide.

Freud first begins his dream interpretation by dissecting the dream for the patient, then, in connection with each fragment the patient gives him a number of ideas which may be described as the ‘thoughts behind’ that focused part of the dream; the dream here as conceived as a “conglomerate of psychic formations”. On reading this description i pause on the line ‘thoughts behind’. And reverting to the initial avatars that mutually read Freud in a state of suspension, I see  there is no behind. No behind because the contents of the book in the second image are fully disclosed and on display. For me this introduces a limit.
The consequences of which will follow…  

something is coming towards me
the wall is moving

So after that pause I resume reading. Irma’s injection. Studiously I inscribe quotes of his that resonate with me as I try to make sense of him, or enter his text, in black biro. Alongside this, in blue biro, I write any personal associations that come to me, that may or may not be in keeping with Freuds methods.

Freuds position seems very congruous. I have been different people in my dreams. I begin to oscillate between positions described in the dreams content. That is, I am not consistently following Freud as he inhabits the dream space; he does not have my complete attention. In flashes I identify with the shifting women described, and in this is the sneaking impression of ‘what if she is in fact dreaming Freud?’ or ‘does Freud have any idea of what he has gotten himself into?!’
A signature may not be enough to claim space here.
And so I bestow these dream spectacles with potential life. Life beyond their dreamer; activity that I perceive to exceed that permitted by the interpretive methods so far offered.

He continues, “they are wish dreams in that every dream emanates from the first instance, while the second instance behaves towards the dream only in a defensive, not in a constructive, manner”. But given I feel my first instance to be somewhat of a shapeshifter, it is here I stop, problems unsolved. Here I stop with the same seeming limit of the open book with its abstract doodles.
(wtf even is that? And where did it come from?)
All will not return to him, and maybe this is the risk of being misinterpreted, to limit yourself to the ‘second instance’ of the wish.

Tough luck. We are in it.

It is in these moments of flickering locations, which may later be described as hysterical, that I witness (and feel) the intrusions of an alien force that may be more in keeping with supernatural methods of dream interpretation, dreams as divine messengers and so on, but witnessed and experienced from multiple points. From multiple points the significant difference is that my body is not solely fixed in a state of being inhabited nor intruded upon by external forces; distinctions between internal/external perennially shifting. Corporeality is not settled once and of all. I flit in and out of the position of ‘force’, Alien force, or distribute myself within it differently. I put myself in the place of.

And just as Freud, differing from the cipher method of interpretation by holding that ‘the same dream content may conceal a different meaning in the case of different persons’, I here take liberty to say the same ‘interpretation of dreams’ can conceal a different meaning in the case of different persons, aswel; I consider my hysterical experiences as changeling evidence of this.

Of multiple people at once and also multiple places at once, my reading is interrupted by the recollection of a dream I had years ago, February 20th 2015 to be precise:
“nanas old house, kitchen, which is at the same time an asylum and a care home. There appears a male patient who has made an artwork. It is like a child’s drawing but is luminous in highlighter pens. Then I notice (at first thinking it was flat) that in its centre is a stuck on circular shape that the male patient has infact started from, prompted by this alien sticker. This was not a random drawing at all. He peels it off to show me, or do I peel it off? And it is deeply suspicious, it seems living somehow, like its surface is always changing. Is it his muse? Or the voice in his head? Sticker-device-instigates. He grows hostile so I take him to a chair and make him a cup of tea. He is then calm and becomes a pleasant elderly woman.”

My experimental choice here is this: I am not going to dissect my dream here. I am going to leave it. I am going to leave it there like an alien sticker within this text. How do you like that?

This sloppy choice is appropriated by an angel singing:
“…not reliant on personal unconscious causation but on collective unconscious realization.”
shhhhhh Jung!
Freud is feeling parched.
Very thirsty
Make it rain!

“the fulfilment of a wish; I regret that I no longer possess this vase; it like the glass of water at my wife’s side, is inaccessible to me.”
am I dissociating or astral projecting?

Wild flowers Freud. Wild flowers.

a vagrant dandelion speaks
“I am an experience curator, I hand select the finest pickmes for you to orbit.”

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