A collection of photos taken around Newcastle, layered with found objects and here contextualized.
I am used to finding swooshcrones in my office by way of some heretical lure. However, I was startled to encounter one whilst driving through the urban wastelands on my way to taco bell. Here are my following notes on the encounter:
I am used to finding swooshcrones in my office by way of some heretical lure. However, I was startled to encounter one whilst driving through the urban wastelands on my way to taco bell. Here are my following notes on the encounter:
It is said the swooshcrone swallows its words instead of speaking them. A phenomena which us humans for a long time mistook for mere self-reflection. Recent studies have shown that this is not at all the case due to breakthroughs made in understanding the swooshcrones reproductive processes. So far we have found that swooshcrones reproduce both sexually and asexually.
In controlled isolation, solitary swooshcrones have been observed to sporadically reproduce from their single organism, though whether this can be conceived of as Asexuality proper (as single-parent-inheritance), we do not know. Morphic resonance has been suggested as a more elucidating angle in which to approach this phenomenon. Or alternatively Freudians have speculated it may relate to a parental view of fate given the striking masochistic behavioural parallels observed.
In terms of communication, swooshcrones appear to understand human language. However, in conversation with scientists an occurrence of significant frequency has been their sporadic change of focus; who, and what, they are speaking towards and also who, and what, they are speaking as.
Many swooshcrones seem at eloquent ease whilst conversing about broad topics such as the weather and politics, with rate, volume and tone of speech normal. This however can at any moment change and researchers have found the swooshcrone to have gone from talking to them as a whole person, to zoning in on a partial feature of seeming insignificance, for example, a freckle, and elevating it to the status of personhood at the expense of the professional body as a whole.
A personal anecdote I have is when conversing with what appeared to me to be a female swooshcrone, she abruptly changed the course of the conversation as she began ardently talking to a silver cufflink I was wearing. This initial deviancy lead her to then converse with my neighbouring wrist, and all this preceded by a smirk on her part.
For sake of professionalism I stopped the session for fear she would go on to permeate my whole body with such perverse and non-sensical scrutiny. Many fellow professionals are of the opinion this could possibly be a sexual response, that is the swooshcrones attempt to re-appropriate the professional language for sexual satisfaction and also, we note, for pro-creative purposes.
Such a perverse conversational and pro-creative style can be observed in the swooshcrones image making that for a large part seems insularly autoerotic. This aforementioned oscillation between who and what is spoken towards, and also multiple points at once, almost orchestral, seems to validate our historical understandings and formulations of perversions, making Freud’s work relevant in so far as trying to trace and comprehend the complexity of swooshcrones and other creatures like them; humans.
‘Re-appropriation’ is a term we professionals feel falls short in ascertaining the swooshcrones experience of their own identity and subsequent territory. That is, they seem capable of performing and engaging in highly intelligent forms of irony, using collective material, however, the sobriety of their consciousness in this social participation we are unsure of.
Eruptions of out-of-context laughter or dramatic crying suggest the swooshcrones self-awareness in these social systems fluctuates. This bears a resemblance to cases of human trauma and mental illness and symptoms, though we are reluctant to draw definitive parallels given swooshcrones are not human but are closer, ancestrally, to rebel-felids. Following this, we can surmise swooshcrones are somewhat unconscious.
(rare photo of wild rebel-felid, a close ancestor to the swooshcrone)
Swooshcrones territories should be approached cautiously given our limited understandings of their seemingly shifting systems and regularly violent outbursts. However, territory itself is a difficult line to draw as a healthy swooshcrone will be of the perception that it belongs wherever it so happens to find itself.
Using the aforementioned autoerotic strategies, healthy swooshcrones will begin to attentively territorialize their given environments. For this reason I cannot stress enough the necessary caution researchers must take if they are to avoid becoming a pawn (or mere fetish object) in the swooshcrones corporeal, and heartless, universe.
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